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Being a first-time mom there is SO much to learn about our baby boy. There is so much happening and changing so fast as our little guy grows and every single day is a new learning experience for us.

I want to make sure I am super educated so that we don't get overwhelmed and are prepared for all of the changes he goes through. I am so excited that I found! Thanks to this platform I have access to over 70+ online research-based courses to learn all about my little guy. They are brief 20-30 minute courses ranging from infant to toddler and preschool care, so as he grows I will have new courses I can take to continue to learn with him.

These courses are available on any device 24/7 so it makes it so convenient with my new mom schedule. If you're a parent you know how difficult it can be to adjust to a new schedule, so convenience is KEY. I can complete the courses at my own pace as time permits.

The first course I’m taking is Developmental Delights: Birth to 3 Months so I can really understand these early stages in his life! In this particular course, you learn about Physical Development, Cognitive and Social-Emotional Development, and Communication Development. This is all so helpful in order to help not only understand your baby but to help them thrive in these early stages.

If you're a parent or you're expecting I would highly recommend checking out Even if you have already been a parent there is always so much you can learn. It's never too late to dive in and take some courses based on your child’s age and current stages. I think this is something you will all love!

If you’re interested in trying for yourself, they’ve got a free one-week trial, or you can get 20% off a one-month subscription using my code “MN1Month” now until 3/31/21.


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